
Transit Hub: Your Opinion Matters


The Region of Waterloo put on a great display about the Transit Hub yesterday. They are seeking input on the Waterloo Street entrance and there are three options. 

If you could not make it to their presentation the display panels are on this page and you can still provide input into the design by clicking on the "Engage Region of Waterloo" link. Please contribute to the discussion!

Waterloo St. will have an entrance for local residents to access the hub via walking or biking. Duke St. will be the main "bike path" access and there are plans for a bike and walking path from Duke to King and past (eventually connecting with the Iron Horse Trail).

To clarify: staff are seeking input into the Waterloo St. entrance to the hub. The size and configuration of the actual hub is still to be determined and will depend on the private partner(s), market forces, other downtown development and the timing of the eventual heat death of the universe (this last point is more for long term planning).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I asked about bike access from Waterloo Street because I was concerned that two options required using stairs or an elevator. I was told by staff that they thought that a bike track could be added to the stairs so that a bike could be pushed easily up the side. That sounded like an improvement though I was surprised it wasn't explicitly stated. That may be because Duke is designated for bike use and the Waterloo Street entrance opens into the second floor so bikes need to go around to the front for transit options anyhow.